

Arizona judges don't need life time appoints.
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   First, Clean Up Our Courts Arizona is a SUPER PAC aiming to inform voters of the misconduct and horrible intentions of judicial officers in Arizona. For example, Prop 137 would remove the rights of Arizona voters to vote out judicial officers. If Prop. 137 passes, Arizona Superior Court Judges and Arizona Supreme Court Justices would lose ALL accountability with the Arizona Voter.

Second, if you come to this page, and your Justice Court Judge or Superior Court Judge appears to be bias or ignoring the laws in your Civil case, there is a mechanism to pull your case out of that Judge's courtroom, out of their division, just visit Yavapai County's page about how Motion for a Change of Judge for Cause.  Also, you can service all the required parties by mailing them via regular postage with the United States Postal Service:

Just copy and paste this URL in your browser (or follow the link to the Yavapai Superior Court to get the form that is usable throughout the state of Arizona):

Third, the filings will be listed in descending chronological order, starting with the earliest filing by William A. Clarke.

Any record in the custody of an Arizona government entity that has a substantial nexus to government activity is considered a public record and is presumed to be subject to disclosure.  Griffis v. Pinal Cnty., 215 Ariz. 1, 4, ¶ 10, 156 P.3d 418, 421 (2007).  Pursuant to A.R.S. section 39-121, the public has a right to inspect (i.e. view in person) public records.  Pursuant to A.R.S. section 39-121.01, the public has a right to obtain copies of public records, subject to reasonable copy fees.

 Some Members of
the Probate Mafia:

William A. Clarke, 

Attorney no. 6320

Father of William "Tommy" Clarke, a fellow student and team member at my old high school. He used the relationship to exploit me. He represented me and then subsequently represented all the conservators  (which is not allowed).

He moved from Carson Messinger Elliott Laughlin & Ragan, P.L.L.C. to Jennings, Strouss & Salmon.
After I filed a served Clarke a lawsuit at his law firm, Jennings Strouss & Salmom folded.

He is now a partner at Spencer Fane

Rick kilfoy

Attorney no. 018051

I removed this guy for doing absolutely nothing.  For  getting removed in June of this year, he billed over $80,000 for six months of acting incompetent.

This "lawyer" was punished for his inaction with Gibson v. Theut and his long history for not filing and providing adequate representation to his clients.

Stephanie Mccollum, fiduciary license No. 20560

Here is a list of recent findings against her (provided by the Arizona Supreme Court).

Date: 2014  
Complaint Number: 13-0006
Result: Investigative Summary & Board Order

Date: 2015
Complaint Number: 09-0007
Result: Investigative Summary & Board Action 

Date: 2020
Complaint Number: 18-0006
Result: Investigation Summary & Report Final Order 

Date: 2023
Complaint Number:  23-0028
Result: Complaint are currently being investigated.

Lawrence Scaringelli, Attorney No. 014036 

formed lawfirm with 

Paul J. Theut, who is brother to mark j. theut at Theut & Scaringelli

He is the legal henchman for Stephanie McCollum and who benefits from her financial abuse.

He recently partnered with attorneys from Mazza + Niro (who is my current counsel) after I filed my Notice of Appeal to the Arizona Court of Appeals.

Now their firm is known as Theut, Scaringelli & Kupiszewski. shows he is just as cuplable with financial exploitation in Arizona.

Mark j. theut 

attorney no. 6779

Brother to Paul J. Theut (famous exploitative GAL of Gibson v. Theut et al fame).

He makes his living exploiting vulnerable adults.

Look up cases and the Theuts are involved in countless probate cases where they rob families and move on to the next victim. 

List of cases Mark J. Theut is involved in can be found here.

paul j. theut 

attorney no. 11998 

Brother to Paul J. Theut (famous exploitative GAL of Gibson v. Theut et al fame).

He makes his living exploiting vulnerable adults.

Look up cases and the Theuts are involved in countless probate cases where they rob families and move on to the next victim. 

List of cases Mark J. Theut is involved in can be found here.

Daniel Mazza

attorney no. 029570

As a Court-Appointed attorney, he has done nothing to help remove me from the Conservatorship.

Actually, he charged over $15,000 for just talking with his friends Lawrence Scaringelli (who he disclosed as being a good friend of his) and Mark J. Theut.

Never mind that two members of his law firm are now at Theut and Scaringelli, causing him to spend money to say those people did not have a conflict by moving to another firm.

Proof that Stephen J.P. Kupiszewski and his lawyer wife Jennifer Kupiszewski were part of Mazza's firm.

Case dated 5.30.2023.